You’ve spent time creating your course, and your leads are starting to purchase it – which is great. But presenting your course in multiple ways not only gives your students a better learning experience, it can also increase your revenue from course sales. 

Evergreen courses particularly, that is courses where the core information is always the same, can be presented in multiple ways through simple add ons to create extra value.

The first way to present your course is as you’ve created it – a “learn at your own pace” course where your students can take the course as is and gain the benefit from it. 

The second way is to add in live group coaching so that your students can engage with you and a group of peers, with leadership throughout the course. This is great for those looking to share ideas and to learn from others. 

The third way is one-on-one coaching. Your students can take the course, and have your support along the way, asking questions and learning more. 

Three ways to present the same course – three different ways to reach your students. 

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