Whether you’re new to working with the media or an experienced business owner, mapping out your media year is a valuable activity. It helps you plan ahead, use proactive techniques, and tap into potential events. In this blog post, we will explore the steps to mapping out your media year and provide tips to stay ahead of the game.

Flag Dates for Evergreen Content

Start by going through a calendar and flagging dates for evergreen content. Depending on your industry, these could include holidays, awareness days, and other significant events. By identifying these dates, you can plan your content strategy around them.

Identify Industry Bodies and Reports

While flagging key dates, also consider any industry bodies or reports that are going to be released. These can provide valuable opportunities for your PR strategy. Stay updated and be prepared to write responses or articles related to these releases.

Flag Proactive Business Activities

Next, go through your business activities for the year and identify events that can be proactive for your press release content. This can include product launches, sales, changes in premises, events, conferences, and awards processes. By flagging these events, you can align your PR efforts with your business objectives.

Take Advantage of Reactive PR Opportunities

While reactive PR usually revolves around current news, there are specific times throughout the year when you can capitalise on certain topics. Add dates of industry body and annual meetings, upcoming elections, and federal or state budgets to your calendar. Also, note the publication dates of reports that can be used for media commentary.

Create an Article Bank

During quieter times for your business, such as January or February, focus on creating an article bank. Generate ideas and stories that can be shared with your audience in the form of press releases or other content. This way, you’ll have a ready-to-use content bank when you need to reach out to the media.

Map Out Publication Deadlines

To effectively plan your PR efforts, map out the publication deadlines of relevant media outlets. Download advertorial calendars or check when advertorial submissions are due. This will give you an idea of how far in advance you need to work on your stories to align with publication deadlines.

Build Relationships with Journalists

Maintaining good relationships with journalists is crucial for successful PR. Reach out to your contacts and have conversations about their upcoming stories. Offer your help and expertise where possible. By nurturing these relationships, you’ll have a better chance of getting your stories published.

Seek New Opportunities

Continuously seek new opportunities to expand your PR efforts. Look for new journalists to connect with, submission sites to get involved with, and places where you can contribute as a podcast guest or guest writer. Utilise your content bank and pitch yourself to various publications to increase exposure.

By mapping out your media year and planning ahead, you can be proactive in your PR strategy. Take advantage of evergreen content, be prepared for industry releases, and leverage reactive PR opportunities. Create an article bank, map out publication deadlines, and build relationships with journalists. Embrace new opportunities to expand your reach.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards a successful PR year!


  • [00:00:00] How to plan for media engagement, whether for beginners or experienced business owners
  • [00:00:31] The need to plan for the year ahead, using evergreen and proactive techniques
  • [00:00:53] How to flag dates for evergreen content, such as holidays and awareness days
  • [00:01:31] Mapping out business activities for the year, including product launches, sales, premises changes, and events
  • [00:02:42] The importance of creating a spreadsheet and a list of ideas for press releases across the year
  • [00:03:16] Mapping out publication deadlines by downloading advertorial calendars.
  • [00:03:44] How to reach out to journalists to discuss proactive media strategies
  • [00:04:34] The search for new journalists, submission sites, and opportunities for guest contributions in podcasts and articles

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