Guest posting is a great way to reach a wider audience, establish your credibility and build your online presence, but it’s more than just having a blog published on an external site.  

It’s about building your online presence which makes author information and bio’s a critical component of why and how you should be guest posting.

Here are the key ingredients to look for when selecting a site to guest post with to ensure you get recognised and why it matters so much…

The game of numbers

Any time you publish an article online for your business you are looking to boost your credibility and online presence, regardless of whether that’s on your own site, in online magazines or as a guest author on another website.

And it’s a bit like putting together a virtual portfolio, in that you are collecting places where you are being seen. The more you collect, the more recognisable you are, and the sooner you come to people’s minds.

Not only does frequent guest posting expose you to a wider audience, but some nifty little algorithms behind the scenes mean the more your name pops up, the higher you get ranked for your content.

Therefore you become more searchable, more of an expert and your audience can readily see what and where you’ve been posting.

So what do you look for to ensure your posts count?

To make your hard work really count you’re looking for a few key features in any site you may choose to guest post with.

An author profile set up with your email address –  Usually linked through your byline, your email address allows your content to be recognised by the likes of Google, Facebook LinkedIn etc. This feeds into your online ranking, allowing you to pop up when people search your name and links the article to you.

Social media – Naturally you want your content to point somewhere, and in many cases this will be your facebook profile, twitter account or similar social media. Ensure you have the same email here as you do in your byline or bio.

Website – When your content also points to your website or hyperlinks within the body of the text, you’re not only telling people where they can find further information, but encouraging click-throughs that allow your site to rank higher.

Short Bio – Any guest post should also allow for a short bio that explains who you are and what you do. This provides a context for why you’re in a position of expertise to comment. It also provides a means for people to find you, and combined with your linked email address, drives up that all-important authorship recognition.

Quick tips

  • Own your real estate – Ensure you have registered your domain name, it’s similar to your Facebook page title and your email address correlates with your business website.
  • Email is key – Your email address is the feature that Google and search engines use to recognise you, so use it consistently when providing guest posts.
  • Have a snappy bio – Your bio should be short, sweet and to the point, telling people how to get in touch with you. Whenever you guest post, ensure you provide it.  
  • Check your links – If you’re providing hyperlinks within copy, ensure they go through to the correct site.

The final word

Guest posting is a two-way street. For your efforts a third party website gets great content, but you should get the recognition for providing it, so double check how you will be receiving credit for your work and the types of links allowed. And remember when you do have your posts published to share them with your audience too!

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