In this episode of the Talk Podcast, we’ll be diving into the importance of celebrating those mini wins and small steps in our business that ultimately lead to our biggest successes.

As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the tasks and lose track of our progress. In a previous episode, I introduced the concept of “progress trees,” a resource to track our progress in manageable steps. Just like how we celebrate every milestone when teaching our kids to walk, we often forget to celebrate the small milestones in our business journey.

Set up a project manager

An effective strategy that we use here at Enever Group to track and celebrate our mini wins is to have a project manager that helps us break down overwhelming tasks into smaller, achievable steps. We also utilise resources like The Marketing Planner and The Strategic Planner to stay organised and focused.

Celebrating mini wins: an example

Let me give you an example from our recent experience. We were updating our event calendars, and along the way, we celebrated various mini wins. Finding the right tool for the job was a significant achievement. Then, we celebrated the cost-saving we achieved by choosing the new tool. Each step, like installing it successfully, setting up images, and adding events, was a cause for celebration.

Your mini wins matter

Whether you’re just starting in business or are well-established, remember that every small achievement is significant. Don’t expect immediate success, instead, break your tasks into small chunks and celebrate each milestone. It can be as simple as ticking off your to-do list or treating yourself to something you enjoy.

Future planning and reviewing results

In addition to celebrating mini wins, it’s crucial to focus on future planning and reviewing the results of your efforts. Create quarterly marketing plans and goals, and use tools like Metricool, Meet Edgar, Google Analytics, and VidIQ to assess your content’s impact.

Join our celebration

Inside the Business, Business, Business Facebook Group, we have a weekly “yay and win” day, where we share and celebrate our wins, no matter how big or small. Let me know in the comments what your latest mini win is. Remember, each small step adds up to the big win, and your progress deserves to be celebrated!


[00:00:00] Celebrating mini wins and small steps in business.
[00:00:25] Pprogress Trees resource
[00:00:56] Parallel with celebrating milestones
[00:01:53] Strategies to track and celebrate mini wins
[00:02:43] Example of celebrating mini wins throughout the process
[00:03:58] How to break tasks into small chunks
[00:05:01] Importance of future planning and reviewing results to celebrate growth
[00:06:11] Join us in BBB to share and celebrate your wins each week



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