Author: The Course Creators Circle Team

Creating Lead Magnets for Your Course

Lead magnets are a great way to introduce potential students to your course, as well as build your email list. It is about the value they get from using your product or service. 

Also, lead magnets don’t need to be difficult to create. In fact, there are really only two “rules” to lead magnets—they need to offer something to the potential lead and they need to showcase your knowledge. Lead magnets can be whipped up in a matter of hours or take a few days depending on the type of lead magnet you use. 

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Learning Through Speech and Word – Teaching Verbal Learners

Verbal learners – those that are naturally born speakers and tend to find it easy to express themselves, not only verbally, but also in the written word. Often the verbal learning style is confused with the auditory learning style, but while they do share some similarities, they are different (auditory learners learn through hearing in general as opposed to words they hear).

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