Author: Clive Enever

Master Your Idea and Vision

Why are prospective customers so reluctant? Why are they not stampeding your business with orders? Everyone “needs” this – What is holding them back?
The journey from idea to opening the doors is perhaps the most difficult to get right. Opening the shop before being absolutely clear on all that is needed to be clear on, is a recipe for stress, pain and worry. 65% of businesses fail within the first three years – is that because they are not entirely clear?

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How understanding what you do builds confidence in your customers

You’re in business, you know there will always be questions.

When people are interested in your product or service, they will naturally have questions. But, are you finding that you are being presented with question upon question upon question?

Anyone interested in a product or service, regardless of what that is, will have questions. If they don’t have questions they are not really interested and don’t really want it.

The interesting thing about handling all these questions is this: if you know, really know your product/service and know who you provide it to, and under what conditions you provide it, most of those questions simply do not arise. The customer “knows” you have them covered.

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Increased Sales Through Conversation

We all know that business is about selling your product or service.When it comes to selling, a lot of people have a negative view of what selling is. Many people are frightened by it and, as a result try to be seen as NOT selling. Some of those same people then worry about why their product or service is not selling. Hmmmmm!

Selling, real selling, is not something to be frightened by or of. Selling is just a conversation. Yes, it is a conversation designed to arrive at the right outcome. And understanding how to have that conversation and who to have that conversation with is what makes the difference between a successful business and the other alternative.

Knowing how to have that conversation is what real selling is – no pressure; no need for ‘power’ tactics; no need for stress & worry – just a conversation to arrive at the right outcome.

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