I took some time in the last few days to check the engagement of stories I have been presenting via social media, my website etc.

Interestingly, 4 stories achieved engagement between 8 and 12 times the average of all the stories presented.

These stories were about (in no particular order):

• Understanding your SWOT
• Correct Pricing
• Being Busy (rather than productive)
• Growth

Although all the stories presented are about business and having business run to suit you, these four highlight an ongoing issue.

To achieve growth there are many things that need to work in unison. They need to be aligned and heading toward the end goal. But to achieve growth all the parts involved need to align with one thing above all the others.

The presentation of your goods or services needs to align with the view of that product or service held by your customer. If your view of your business and your customer’s view of your business are not aligned, no amount of all the other things will persuade a purchase. Starting from the right place is paramount.

Talk Strategy with Clive

With more than 30 years’ experience in mentoring small to medium-sized businesses around Australia. Clive works with company owners and their teams to grow their business and achieve goals through startegic coaching.