Category: Sales

Determining the weak link in your sales chain

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, regardless of what industry you are in, you are actually in the business of sales.

And the process of selling involves a series of events all linked together. If your sales aren’t what you believe they should be, chances are there’s a weak link in your business and your sales process.

Determining where that weak link lies is critical. So, let’s look at the key areas where there’s likely to be a weak link in your business…

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Sales Without The Hard Sell

Whether they know it or not every business is about sales, but that doesn’t mean it involves ‘hard selling’.

The actual art of sales is about bringing the customer to the ‘right decision’, in the knowledge you have the product or service that they need to solve a problem.

What do I mean? Well let’s walk through a sales process that’s all about having a conversation rather than focusing on the hard sell.

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