It’s no secret that the art of business revolves around the ability to sell products and services effectively. Yet, it’s a challenging feat, with many enterprises struggling to reach sales targets and sustain operations over the long term.
So is there an art to selling? Well yes, there is, but it’s not what many people believe. Here we look in depth at selling, including:
- Why selling should never be salesy
- What makes people buy
- How to initiate meaningful conversations that convert to sales
A stark truth
Statistics in Australia reveal a stark truth: about 65 per cent of businesses fail within the first three years. This figure is alarming, but on the other side of this narrative are those companies that succeed, often because they have mastered the art of selling.
The crux of the issue for failing businesses often boils down to insufficient revenue, which is closely linked to inadequate sales volumes.
Without enough customers purchasing their products or services, businesses struggle to survive. Yet, despite having excellent offerings, many companies grapple with sales. Why do potential customers hesitate? The reasons can be multifaceted.
Selling shouldn’t be salesy
Sales, unfortunately, is perceived negatively by many. Those involved in sales, or who need to be, often try to distance themselves from appearing “sales-y”.
This attitude ironically hampers efforts to sell effectively. It’s important to understand that the act of selling isn’t inherently bad. The negative connotations often stem from old-school, aggressive techniques that can indeed feel uncomfortable and impersonal.
Interestingly, a lot of sales training today still carries a flavour of outdated methods from the ’80s and ’90s, despite claims to the contrary.
The truth is, that many of these techniques, although not universally embraced, do produce results. These methods have been refined over decades and have grounded their efficacy in practical application. However, not everyone finds these techniques suitable, particularly those who value building genuine relationships and understanding customer needs.
What makes people buy?
The secret to successful selling boils down to understanding what makes people buy. Essentially, people purchase items they want and need.
For business owners, this means presenting their product or service in a manner that meets these desires. Success in sales requires clarity about the product, the terms under which it’s offered, and the price point. Ultimately, selling is about matching a customer’s needs with what you offer.
It’s a conversation
Contrary to popular belief, selling doesn’t have to be aggressive or pushy. It’s about initiating a conversation where both parties communicate openly.
The sales process should be a dialogue, not a monologue. As a seller, understanding your own offerings deeply is crucial.
With that knowledge, you can confidently engage with potential customers, discerning whether there’s a match between their needs and your products or services.
For example, consider a scenario where a prospective customer approaches you. Engaging in a meaningful conversation allows you to ascertain their needs and determine if your offerings align with them.
If there’s alignment, business can proceed. However, if there’s no match, it’s okay to walk away. This approach helps prevent future complaints stemming from misaligned expectations. The key is ensuring that both you and the customer are satisfied with the outcome.
Fulfilling your customer’s needs
To sell more effectively, business owners must focus on interactions with potential customers to understand and fulfill their needs.
A simple dialogue can be far more effective than any high-pressure sales tactic. Customers are more likely to engage with sellers who offer genuine solutions to their problems. Therefore, the approach is straightforward: engage in conversations, listen actively, and provide what the customer seeks, if possible.
Why do customers choose to talk to you? They do so because they’re interested in what you have to offer and are evaluating if you’re the right provider for their needs. It all comes back to authentic communication and relationship-building.
In essence, boosting sales is not about aggressive pursuit; it’s about being an active, attentive participant in a conversation that leads to fulfilling customer’s needs with your offer.
- [00:20] The Importance of Selling
- [01:11] Why Businesses Fail
- [02:20] The Stigma Around Sales
- [03:57] Learning to Sell: A Personal Journey
- [05:28] Understanding Customer Needs
- [07:06] Effective Sales Conversations
- [09:03] How Simple Conversations Lead to Sales
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

Discover More in Sales Doesn't Have to be Scary
Every business needs to “Sell” but Sales is a word and concept that often scares business owners and people. Sales doesn't have to be scary join Clive Enever to find out how and why.