In the business world telling people about what you do is almost as important as how well you do it.

Every business needs a marketing plan. It doesn’t matter if you are a one-man service provider or a major corporation.

Marketing is what drives sales; without sales, you don’t make the money required to stay in business long-term. As important as marketing plans are, many business leaders don’t devote enough time and resources to them.

And when it comes to marketing, there’s no one size fits all approach. A great marketing plan will comprise a number of factors and be rolled out over a period of time.

It helps to identify who you are, tells your prospective customers what you do, and informs them why they should choose you over your competition. When done well, it could be the difference between a business getting by and a business that thrives.

So this week we are going to look at the foundations of creating a great marketing plan for your business.

Before putting together your marketing, think about the following first:

  • Brand voice – How do you want to be perceived by your client?
  • Communication style – How do you communicate with your clients?
  • Customer profile – Who is our market?

The Elements of a Good Marketing Plan

  • Marketing SWOT – What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats?
  • Competitor Analysis – Who are your competitors and what are they doing?
  • Marketing Goals – What do you want to achieve?
  • Customer Journey – Where are our customers coming from and where do we want to take them?
  • Customer Retention – How do we retain our customers and reach them on a regular basis?
  • Social Messaging – What social platform do you want to use to engage with your audience?

Create Your Own Marketing Plan

The best foundation of a good marketing plan is consistency. It’s important that you put in the time and effort to work your way through your marketing plan to get the best results.

A marketing plan can help you with breaking down big goals into smaller achievable tasks so you don’t get overwhelmed along the way.

The Marketing Planner is designed to help you – create your own content marketing plan for the year from setting goals and topics and then breaking them down into actionable steps and plans.

Want to review your marketing plan with me?

Book a Brainstorming Session with me and we can review your plan and come up with some ideas together.


Join The Marketing Circle

The Marketing Circle is Linda’s Inner Circle where she shares with you tips and tricks to market your business.

Designed to provide you with resources and real, easy-to-implement strategies, The Marketing Circle is packed full of courses and how-to’s to help you succeed.

And you’ll also have expertise readily at hand with Linda in how-to and Q&A Sessions.