If you’ve tried to build a journal or digital workbook for your online course, you’re probably familiar with the problems that arise with PDFs or docs like formatting issues, distribution nightmares, and lack of integration with your LMS system.

The team at Wobo set out to tackle all of these pains when they created their digital workbook tool.

Wobo is a workbook you can easily build yourself and embed into your online course to engage students and keep them focused on your content.

The Thinkific app means your students don’t need to create an account or leave the course player to start answering questions. You can add interactive elements like tables, drop-downs, and fill in the blanks, and have them appear within your course curriculum for minimal distractions.

You can view student progress and give your students feedback in real time – no more waiting for assignments to be submitted. Wobo is the easiest way to build and distribute a digital workbook. We’re excited to show you more!


[0:00] Introduction to The Course Creators Circle How-to Session

[0:45] How to make interactive and engaging workbooks with Wobo

[1:00] Welcome Erin Kerr from Course Studio creator of Wobo

[2:00] What Wobo can do for course creation

[4:40] What is Wobo? Why did we make it?

[6:36] Wobo is an interactive digital workbook

[8:30] Why use Wobo? Interactivity benefits of Wobo

[8:56] Students who do an activity after a lesson retain more information

[12:20] See how your students are doing to know how to refine it

[14:15] Promotes reflection on learning

[15:25] How did we get here? Interactivity pain points that Wobo aims to provide a solution

[18:00] Improve the Instructor Experience

[19:15] The importance of protecting your intellectual property

[23:05] Improve the Student Experience

[24:38] Who uses Wobo? Case studies of different ways Wobo can be used

[30:31] Live product demo

[31:05] Start with Build a Workbook

[31:25] Workbook structure – modules and sections

[32:40] Types of exercises you can put in Wobo

[35:20] Editing experience

[40:00] Workbook settings – Protecting your IP 

[40:50] Student dashboard walkthrough

[42:40] Embedding your workbook into your course in Thinkific

[45:15] Video plus workbook example

[45:50] Wobo Support Centre

[47:25] Embedding in Thinkific in a multimedia lesson video

[48:15] Students view – how your students are doing

[49:18] For questions about Wobo, please send them to us

[51:00] Final takeaway from today’s how-to session

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