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Business Growth Through Scalable, Repeatable Success

Growth is the goal, but strategy is the key. In this eBook, business strategist Clive Enever delves into how we can grow through scalable and repeatable success. It’s not just about growing your business, it’s about making it scale and making it repeatable so we can do it again and again.

There are three key elements to making your business scalable and repeatable: people, processes and planning. All three have to work together and be aligned for you to be able to scale your business and make it work for you.

In this eBook Clive Covers:

How to make your business scalable and repeatable while making it possible for you to grow your business.
Create a repeatable process that you can use to grow your business.
Achieve steady growth to provide a stable ground for your business.

You’ve got your business, your product, and your customers. And in order for it all to grow, you need to be able to scale your business.

About Clive: With more than 30 years’ experience in mentoring small to medium-sized businesses around Australia. Clive works with company owners and their teams to grow their business and achieve goals through strategic coaching. Clive tailors his proven methodologies and coaching approach to his client’s individual needs to deliver proven business results through tailored high impact mentoring.

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Shifting Your Focus to Overcome Fear

Fear treads on imagination – snuffs it out. Fear removes your self reliance – excises it so that you doubt yourself in every respect. Fear sucks out all enthusiasm – no matter how hard you try, those around you see only a try too hard. Fear takes the place of initiative and drives the sufferer to uncertainty. Fear invites and delivers failure in every form you can imagine.

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Five Signs Your Business Is ready to bring on staff

In every business’ growth journey there comes a point where additional resources and investment will be required.
At this critical juncture it’s likely you, the business operator, are working at capacity. It’s a struggle to complete all the small business tasks required and there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.
It might sound obvious, but this is the point where you will need to bring on staff if you want your business to grow.

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Five Signs Your Business Is Ready To Bring On Staff

In every business’ growth journey there comes a point where additional resources and investment will be required. At this critical juncture it’s likely you, the business operator, are working at capacity. It’s a struggle to complete all the small business tasks required and there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. It might sound obvious, but this is the point where you will need to bring on staff if you want your business to grow.

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