Search Results for: goal

Using Enthusiasm To Grow Your Business

Part of doing business, winning and keeping clients or customers is Telling Your Story.This is the story that makes the difference between you and your competitors. It’s what allows the prospect to discover the ‘one’ they want to work with; the one they trust to deliver their outcome. What they discover is the person / business they feel comfortable handing their dollars to in return for a product or service, secure in the knowledge they have made the right decision.

This story therefore needs to be told with enthusiasm and conviction.

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Sales Without The Hard Sell

Whether they know it or not every business is about sales, but that doesn’t mean it involves ‘hard selling’.

The actual art of sales is about bringing the customer to the ‘right decision’, in the knowledge you have the product or service that they need to solve a problem.

What do I mean? Well let’s walk through a sales process that’s all about having a conversation rather than focusing on the hard sell.

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Discovering Your True Confidence

Learning ‘real’ confidence is the hard part. Anyone can pretend to be confident – that’s usually interpreted by the viewer as brash, foolhardy or slapdash.
Being confident requires certainty. Certainty comes from clarity. Clarity comes from understanding, knowing ourselves and everything about what we do, how we do it, who we do it for and more. Much more.

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